Almanya'nın önde gelen medya gruplarından Pro7Sat1 Türkçe yayın yapacak bir televizyon kanalı kurmayı planladıklarını açıkladı.
Almanya'da bulunan 3 milyon Türk'ü hedef kitlesi olarak seçtiklerini belirten medya grubunun sözcüsü Katja Hofem Alman Handelsblatt gazetesinde yayınlanan haberde, 'Etnik bir marketing çalışması için Türkler'e yönelik yayın yapacak bir TV kanalının bize büyük iş olanakları sağlayacağını düşünüyoruz' ifadesi kullandı.
Almanya'da yapılan araştırmalara göre Türkler, Almanlar'a göre TV önünde 2 kat daha fazla zaman geçiriyor ve büyük oranda Türkiye'den yayın yapan TV kanallarını izliyorlar.VATAN GAZETESİ
German media group mulls Turkish channel for ethno-marketing
With about three million Turkish-speaking residents living in Germany, tailor-made marketing for this large community should offer great business opportunities. At least that's what German private media company Pro7Sat1maintained in a Tuesday interview for the business daily "Handelsblatt."
The group's Katja Hofem confirmed her company was currently investigating the chances of starting a Turkish-language channel as a platform for what's come to be called ethno-marketing.
German media group Pro7Sat1 has said it's looking into the feasibility of launching a Turkish-language channel.
It's investigating the chances of ethno-marketing tailored to the needs of residents with Turkish roots.
Group of Turkish migrnats in Berlin Copyright: imago/Caro
With about three million Turkish-speaking residents living in Germany, tailor-made marketing for this large community should offer great business opportunities.
At least that's what German private media company Pro7Sat1maintained in a Tuesday interview for the business daily "Handelsblatt."
The group's Katja Hofem confirmed her company was currently investigating the chances of starting a Turkish-language channel as a platform for what's come to be called ethno-marketing.
"The non-German-language market seems to be full of enormous opportunities," Hofem commented...